Monthly Archives: October 2017

week by week: 16-18 weeks

well i am a day away from being 19 weeks pregnant but i took the photos so i am going to make a post! the past few weeks have flown by and i honestly can’t tell you much of what has happened. we are getting ready for halloween around our house. bastian wants to be r2d2 and i decided to make poppy a unicorn. halloween is one of my favorite holidays but it feels like i am a bit unprepared this year. i don’t think i will dress up this year which is a total bummer! well… i suppose i have a week and half left to figure something out or wear an old costume. anyways, onto  new baby news…

we have decided that we are going to make the gender of this baby a surprise. i know, i think it’s a little crazy myself, and it does make planning a bit more of a challenge (what do i really need to plan for this time around?) but both brian and i would be happy with either sex. i know all parents say they don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl but deep down they really do haha. BUT i do have one of each and so with this baby i see positives in having both a boy and a girl. if it’s a girl, poppy and her will be close in age and hopefully be friends and if it’s a boy, bastian would love to have a baby brother and then poppy will maybe suffer a little less of middle child syndrome because she is the family’s only girl. who knows! needless to say in the delivery room, i will be excited for both!

the hard parts, narrowing down names, planning a nursery, figuring out what hospital outfit to bring (why am i thinking about this already?) and preparing the kids for having a baby brother or sister. we have our 20 week scan in a week and a half and i am about 99.5% sure we will wait to find out the sex. how many of you out there have waited? how many of you were totally shocked?