Monthly Archives: December 2017

week by week: 23-26 weeks

well here i am at the tail end of my 26th week. i can’t believe i am going to be starting my THIRD trimester here in a couple days. how is that possible? i feel like this just started… but then again that last trimester always goes the slowest. i realized in my last post that i didn’t say one thing about this new baby. poor baby 😦 with two kids at home, work and my side business i find it hard to focus on this baby and this pregnancy. don’t get me wrong, i focus a lot on their rooms, logistics of routines, things we need, etc. but the actual baby… hasn’t been dreamed up like my last two (baby if you read this someday, i promise i love you just as much :)). maybe it’s because i don’t know the gender? maybe it’s because i am just so busy? maybe i need to go to prenatal yoga and spend at least an hour a week focusing solely on this little bundle. so here, i will focus this post on THIS pregnancy and THIS baby!

this little one has been moving around a lot lately. i have felt it’s little kicks since about 17 weeks. i can see the kicks now from the outside which i love. those baby kicks are something so special and i sweat this baby knows when to calm my nerves. i will be driving in the car and all of a sudden think “i haven’t felt the baby kick today… have i?” and then i will kind of hold silent and then the baby gives me a little kick, as if to say “mom, i am here, don’t you worry”. i do day dream about snuggling and sleeping with this baby a lot. although i am sure that naps during the day won’t as much i still do long for those newborn snuggles.

i have their coming home outfit all ready (not packed). if it’s a boy, i have the cutest little bonnet from a local maker that i love wee vintage baby, and then of course if it’s a girl, she will be wearing a third peach co bow. we are trying to figure out when to transition poppy into bastian’s room. honestly, i am not in any hurry and i don’t want to feel rushed into trying to push her in there. she is way to immature right now to be in a bed, but maybe as the months go by she will show me differently. basitan was about 2.5 years when i put him in a big kid bed. so maybe poppy will be ready by the time i want to transition the baby into their crib. we will see…

i have my glucose test next week. since i had gestational diabetes with poppy i have a 60% chance of having it again with this baby. i am not really going to beat myself up over it or freak out about it. i was able to manage it just fine with poppy and so i know i can with this one as well. the toughest part will be to be on a schedule with eating when i have both kids. my guess is next time i post about this pregnancy i will know whether i have it or not.

overall this pregnancy has been pretty easy and has gone so fast. i have the normal aches and pains that all pregnant women have. i sleep just fine, workout still and overall feel pretty good!