Monthly Archives: August 2013

life lately…aka millions of pics of bastian

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i haven’t done a ‘life lately’ post in a long while. as you can see 99.99% of all my photos are of bastian. i mean, i can’t help it, he is just darn cute. bastian is the boy of a million expressions. i love each one and i try come up with captions for all of them. hope everyone has a good labor day weekend and enjoy the hot hot weather!

month by month: 4 months


i feel like this past month bastian has really started to turn into mr. personality. although mr. personality isn’t always so nice, he sure is cute though haha. here are some of the fabulous things bastian has done this month:

– he has found his feet! they are constantly in his hands and really trying to make their way to his mouth.
– everything goes in his mouth, or attempts to get put in his mouth.
– he laughs at things. he still doesn’t think toys are very funny but people sure are.
– he has rolled over 4 times for us! we can’t get him to do it every time he in on his tummy, but he’s done it!
– he is still a shrimp, but i guess that means he will be my little baby for a long time 🙂
– he has one freak out a day and it usually revolves around taking naps.
– he is reaching for toys and holding things in his hands.
– he is talking a ton. he makes the cutest little squeaks and screams. when you talk to him and you can see his little mouth moving around trying to remember how he makes those noises.
– at night, he has gone back to waking up only once. he eats and then right back to bed. (aside from last night…he woke up 3 times…no one’s perfect)

bastian is so much fun these days. although i love to see him grow and start doing new things, it makes me sad how fast it’s going. it’s bitter sweet. i feel like if i blink he will all of a sudden be playing with swords and walking around in cowboy boots (sidenote: brian and i were taking bastian on a walk and saw a little neighbor boy playing in just his underwear and cowboy boots, walking around with a huge play sword. he was trying to use his undies as a holster for his sword but they proved to be too baggy. it.was.adorable!) being bastian’s mom has been so fulfilling. when he smiles or grabs his toes i glow with pride. that’s my baby boy, all mine (along with dad’s and grandma’s and grandpa’s and auntie’s and uncle’s and friend’s…).

jordin’s nursery

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my bestie jordin is due with a baby girl at the end of august. i can’t wait for her to be a mom and to meet her little girl. i wanted to make something special for jordin for her nursery, so when she showed me a mobile she loved, i knew it would be the perfect gift i could make. jordin’s nursery is absolutely adorable and i wanted to share all the cute details she put into it.

the gray and yellow with pops of pink color combo is girly but not over the top. her mom and her sewed the pillows and curtains for the room. i love all the artwork and the “peace” canvas print is actually a shower gift that we gave to her. we had everyone at the shower make hearts with their thumb prints and write their names under it. i just adore this nursery and i can’t wait for a her little girl to be the perfect addition to it. nice work jordin!

my fall essentials


one. jean jacket
two. the baseball tee
three. loose knit sweater
four. loafers
five. worn boyfriend jeans
six. over-sized tees
seven. dark skinny jeans
eight. headband

this fall i am really into neutral, comfy, everyday clothes. being that i am not really dressing up and going out on the town much these days, i want clothes that are cozy. with summer being all about bright neon colors, i am ready for a neutral, casual clothing. i know i will miss summer, but i am ready to wear some new clothes. oh, and bastian has some pretty cute fall clothes in his closet that i am excited about too 🙂

another project on my hands


so my mom found this little gem on the curb when she was on a walk around our neighborhood. i knew i had to snatch it up quick! ok…well maybe not quick…because maybe no one else would want a fireplace mantle. but me, YES! i want this to go in our basement and house the tv, cable box, movies etc. right now our basement is not really decorated at all. i put any of our ‘left over’ furniture pieces down there. but i think it’s about time to style this place up and make it more of a hang out. i keep telling everyone how badly i want to renovate it…but let’s face it, that’s not happening for a loooonnnnng time. sad face. so until then, maybe i can be inspired to decorate and make that basement a more cozy place for us to hang out. thank you little fireplace mantle that someone thought was junk for coming into my world to inspire me to do more house projects!

here are some inspiration faux fireplaces that really get me excited! i seriously get like giddy inside thinking about doing fun stuff downstairs now 🙂

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what do you guys think? i really like the idea of shelves inside the mantle. i hope i start this project while i am still excited and giddy about it!

guest post: being a new mom



i wrote a little post over at about being a new mom. you can check it out here!

two years under our belt


yesterday brian and i celebrated our second anniversary. well, we actually celebrated on saturday and just hung out at home with bastian yesterday. i can’t believe it’s only been two years…i am sure so many people say it the other way around, but it feels like brian has been in my life forever. i proposed to brian the first night i met him…we had a few drinks yes, but i really did think he was pretty cool hehe! there was something really different about him, something that no other guy possessed.  i was hooked from that very first night.

we celebrated our second year with some craft style cocktails, oysters and walking hand in hand. with bastian in our lives now, it’s hard to get one-on-one time, but whenever it happens it sure feels good (even if we talk about bastian the whole time…). happy anniversary brian. you will always be that care-free, curly haired, sweet guy i met 6 years ago 🙂

sir cranks-a-lot


bastian aka sir cranks-a-lot may look sweet and innocent…but lately this little guy has been on the cranky train. it could be one or all of three things:

  1. we just got home from vacation. this probably wore him out quite a bit and hasn’t really recovered from lack of sleep yet.
  2. he’s going through his 3 month growth spurt. he is waking up twice a night wanting to eat, when it was just once before. he is acting hungry all the time and would prefer to just be on the boob 24/7. he isn’t taking good naps during the day either. well, i guess if you are persistent enough you can get him down for a long one (we’re talking 30 min of sticking the paci in over and over for only a 1 hour nap here people).
  3. he is teething. i know that most babies don’t teeth until around 6 months, but i have read it can happen earlier. he is a drooling monster…like drenching his clothes in a matter of minutes monster. instead of sucking on his paci, he will put it toward the crook of his mouth and chew on it. he is constantly sucking and chewing on his hands, and even when i put my finger in his mouth he will chew on it.

so let’s just say he has been a bit of a crank. i do say this lightly though because he still has his smiles and giggles, but i can just tell he isn’t his same old self. whatever it is i hope that is leaves his cute little body…soon! because i don’t want to get used to sir cranks-a-lot. anyone have similar symptoms with their little ones? do i have a long long haul ahead of me?