Monthly Archives: July 2016

miss poppy: 3 months


this little nugget is three months old! she is such a happy girl and i seriously can’t get enough of her. it kind of makes my heart want to burst when i think about her. here are some of the lovely things about poppy right now:

-she likes to talk now and makes the cutest little squeaks
-she will smile at anyone and gives a little squeal to say hello
-she will nap in her crib but still sleeps in her rock n’play at night
-she is waking up once a night to eat and then right back to bed
-she doesn’t have a schedule like bastian did because she is more on the go
-she loves bath time and i had to move her baby bath tub from the counter to the big tub because she was splashing all over
-she took her first road trip to Minnesota and she did wonderfully in the car
-she doesn’t mind tummy time if she gets to be propped up on the boppy pillow
-she likes to stand up and look around and prefers to face out when held

poppy has proven to be a little doll baby. i can’t stop kissing her and trying to make her smile. i wish time would slow down, because before i know it she will be too big to sleep in my arms. ugh, i don’t even want to think about it 😦