Monthly Archives: December 2013

the best of 2013

with 2013 coming to a close, i wanted to take a second to look back at my favorite posts. it has been a big year and i get a little teary and sentimental reliving it all.


1. DIY knee patch leggings


2. becoming a new mom


3. DIY toy chest make-over


4. bastian’s birth story


5. bastian’s first week


6. dealing with a post-pregnancy body


7. week by week: the journey


8. celebrating two years


9. fall fashions for baby boy


10. my breastfeeding journey: 0-2 months

the big kids



i hope everyone’s christmas was fantastic (that is if you celebrate christmas). we had a great time. bastian was more interested in the wrapping paper and the cardboard boxes than anything, but he was so well behaved and fun. he got some great toys and gifts. bastian is the only baby on my side of the family, so you can imagine he gets loads of attention…which he likes of course. although i love this time of year, i am glad that it is coming to an end and we can go back to a normal schedule.

this past weekend the weather was totally out of the ordinary. we took advantage of the warm temps and went to the park by our house. i thought bastian would love the swing, which he did…but mainly because he got a great view of all the big kids playing. he couldn’t take his eyes off of them. of course he didn’t crack a smile either (my super-serious-contemplative baby) he just stared at the fun going on around him. it was as if he was longing to be a big kid and do big kid stuff. we played on some of the other playground equipment but he just wanted to sit on a bench and watch the other kids playing. there is no lack of awareness from this kid.


and like a big kid, bastian wants to walk so badly…he really thinks he can. i hold his hands and walk all over the house, it’s his favorite. lately i make him run holding my hands and it’s so cute. he laughs and thinks its so funny to go fast. i have a feeling that i will regret teaching him this haha…but when you want to be a big kid, you got to learn what big kids do.

month by month: 8 months



this little boy is 8 months old today! on christmas eve! as i said yesterday in my post he is loads of fun these days. here are some of the ‘super-amazing-fantastic” things he is doing:

  • he started crawling last week! we actually got his first ‘crawls’ on video too! he is getting the hang of it fast, but can’t go very fast on the wood floors. it’s pretty cute because it’s like he is on ice haha.
  • he loves to eat. it’s probably his most favorite times of the day
  • he is sleeping much better these days — waking up once a night is ok by me…for a little while longer
  • he loves to talk and when he gets really excited — he bobs up and down, flails his arms and screams
  • he thinks he has total control over his body now (he doens’t) and insists on trying to stand up all the time
  • he loves to walk while i hold his hands
  • he is a really good little errand runner. he loves to sit in the shopping cart now
  • he would prefer to be naked all the time, but with the cold weather it makes it a little too chilly
  • he is slowly learning how to feed himself. it’s so cute to watch him pick up pieces of food and put them up to his mouth, sometimes he lets go and sometimes it just sticks to his hands haha.
  • he has the best hair ever. no matter how i comb it after his bath, it manages to fluff up into a faux-hawk
  • he is so serious when he is around a group of people. he is so observant and he studies everyone for a bit before he decides it’s ok to smile

bastian is a little character and we are so excited to celebrate his first christmas. even though he won’t get much of any of it, we will remember it 🙂

baby love


this little guy has been beyond cute and fun lately. his little personality is coming out and he is doing all sorts of crazy things 🙂 he will be 8 months old tomorrow (i will do a post on his amazing accomplishments) and it is so bitter-sweet. bitter because time has gone so fast and i want him to my baby forever and sweet because he is so much fun these days and turning into a big boy. these photos brian snapped of bastian melt me into mushy mush. he loves to pose for the camera — whenever we pull the camera out he stops what he was doing (the reason we pull the camera out in the first place) and stares deep into that lens. gosh, i love that baby…melty mushy mush mush.


baby’s first snow


someone experienced their very first big snow the other day. he wasn’t too impressed. it was bitter cold out but i knew that i had to get a picture of him in the snow…for my own pleasure. his snowsuit barley allowed him to sit up on his own but he managed to look incredibly cute and unenthusiastic. next year he will be able to actually enjoy the snow, but until then, i will eat up every ounce of this little bundle of snuggie love.

gift guide: for baby



one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten.

it will be bastian’s first christmas this year (if you don’t count him being cozy in my belly last year) and i am so excited to have some gifts under our tree that aren’t for just brian and me. i pulled together a list of some cute gifts for baby. there are some vintage toys that i remember loving when i was a kid. i love the look of handmade, vintage toys because if they are going to be strewn throughout the house they might as well look good. i am sure bastian will get a lot of fun gifts from our family so i will have to hold myself back from going crazy this christmas. i suppose i could wrap up an empty plastic water bottle and he would be happy…that sure would save money! what were some of your best christmas presents you got as a kid? or your kids favorites gifts?