Monthly Archives: January 2016

week by week: 26


i am 26 weeks now and feeling rather large. this week i feel like things are harder to do, like tie my shoes or bend over. my belly is starting to feel in the way. i am sleeping great and still able to work out like normal which is great! i feel good overall, just starting to get into that big belly phase. i think it has come a little sooner than last time too 🙂

little girl’s room is slowly coming together. i am waiting for some decor from ebay and etsy. hopefully it will all come together. i am feeling really anxious to meet her and for life to start as a family of four. although i am not looking forward to the lack of sleep, but i hear that the second time around even though it’s hard, your body is a little less shocked. let’s hope that holds true.

i bought bastian some big brother books last week and he really enjoys reading them. i got him this book and this one. both are very cute. i am hoping these will slowly help him realize he won’t be the only kid in the house soon. fingers crossed things go well!


week by week: 25


i took pictures but never got around to writing a post. check out my latest post, 26 weeks.


happy birthday brian


it’s brian’s birthday today and i wanted to wish him a happy birthday with this adorable picture of him and bastian. this photo was taken this past year at the pumpkin patch. aren’t their little matching outfits so cute! this really wasn’t even planned… they just have such similar taste in clothes! happy birthday brian, you are another year older but another year wiser. love you!

big kid room

bastians-room-1 bastians-room-2 bastians-room-3 bastians-room-4 bastians-room-5 bastians-room-5b bastians-room-6

well i finally got around to taking photos of basitan’s new big kid room! i love the way it turned out and he does too. the transition of moving rooms and getting into a big boy bed was easier i believe because there was so much hype about how cool his new room was. i really didn’t get too many new things for his room, but just changed the arrangements of his stuff from his nursery. i hope you enjoy!

bed: craigslist for $20 then i painted it yellow
duvet: h&m home
sheets: target
letters: junk stock
dresser: craigslist for $80 already refinished!
black and white prints: paper kite
cloud hooks: hobby lobby
rug: urban outfitters – old
hanging numbers: target’s dollar isle!
bright light lamp: from brian’s childhood
rain drop wall: i made a stencil and painted with black chalk board paint

week by week: 24


how is this pregnancy going so fast? recently at my 24 week appointment, the nurse informed me that my next doctor appointment (28 weeks) would be the visit before i start going every 2 weeks. i have to take my glucose test, my rhogam shot and some other shot at the next appointment. with bastian i failed my glucose initial test and i was so bummed. i made the mistake of eating before my test last time and i am going to say that’s why i failed 🙂 i passed the three hour test (which sucks to do big time) thank god.

i think my belly grew a bit this week. maybe little girlie had a growth spurt. she is still a little mover and shaker in there and it’s so much fun to feel her. i am getting really close to pulling her nursery all together. i decided to have a moroccan theme with bright pinks and fun patterns. girlie, but not too babyish. i bought a few things on ebay that i am so stoked to get in the mail. i will share pictures as i get things going. and one of these days… i will show pictures of bastian’s new room. it’s pretty adorable and he is loving it too.


week by week: 23


well i missed a week again, and i am about 4 days late… i will blame it on the holidays 🙂 our christmas and new years were great! bastian just loved every second of opening gifts and being around family. we got bastian his very own baby doll to “help” take care of. he wasn’t too interested in her at first, but then he wanted to put her to bed and give her his blankets. it was pretty sweet. along with taking care of his baby, he has expressed interest in what we name our little miss. well, i asked him what we should name her and he couldn’t think of any good names. then he came up with a name that is seeming to stick. applesauce. yes, he tells people “mommy has baby applesauce in her tummy”. my family thinks it’s pretty funny and well, now he thinks it’s pretty funny and i fear this poor little girl will forever have the nickname applesauce.


i have been feeling really good; sleeping well and still able to work out like normal. i feel her kick a lot now. i love those little kicks. brian has felt her kicks too. so this week while taking photos, bastian wanted to get in too. we thought it was pretty sweet and hilarious that made his little belly puff out. i am really excited for bastian to be a big brother. i know there will be struggles, but i think he will be mostly sweet to her. we will see 😉 does anyone have any advice on good books to read about becoming a big brother?
