Monthly Archives: December 2012

week by week: 23 weeks


so 23 weeks already. seems like time is flying by now. i think this week is the first week my body is really starting to tell me i am pregnant…take it easy lady! this whole time i have had a hard time taking it easy because i have felt so great and i want to assume i am still able bodied. i want to be like a warrior woman and do everything that i did before i was pregnant with ease. well the truth is i am pregnant, and there is a little guy inside my body pushing things all over in places they have never been. this weekend brian and i started painting the nursery, and with taping, painting trim and rolling i had one sore back the next day. i was like a beached whale getting off the couch or out of bed. let me tell you, it’s a sad moment when you realize you are turning into the grunting pregnant woman you never thought you would be until maybe 36 weeks. yikes! haha, well i know that i am still able bodied enough to work out and do things around the house, BUT i have to tell myself to take breaks, sit down and relax.

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well i did end up toughing it through the base paint of the nursery. his room has built-ins that we had to paint also, so that was kind of a pain. the next step is going to be taping off the pattern on his accent wall and then painting over the pattern. so i am thinking we have another weekend of painting fun:) then we can set up the crib and hopefully my glider will be in soon too! i can’t wait to show all of you the progress of the nursery as it comes together. less than 4 months until our sweet little boy comes into this world (well unless i go way past my due date…)! wow, can’t wait to meet him!

our house: the bathroom

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so when we first moved into our house, i wasn’t 100% thrilled with the bathroom upstairs. it had absolutely no storage and kind of a gaudy vanity. now i have actually grown to love it. it’s spacious enough that brian and i can both be in there without fighting (most of the time) and i came up with some storage solutions that don’t have a big footprint. the floating shelves have actually deemed themselves useful for toiletries and towels and the wire baskets above the toilet hold my hair products and washcloths. i made these jewelry boards to have a playful way to display my jewelry. i am happy with the way everything looks in the bathroom. now i just have to figure out where the heck to put baby bath time toys and tubs and all that baby gear you need to keep them clean…oh it’s going to be fun to have a giggly boy in the tub soon!

glitter, sparkle & sequins

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

new year’s eve always gets me in sparkle mode. i love all things glitter, sparkle & sequin. being pregnant this new years eve though has left me in a bit of a funk because we won’t be doing our usual new years eve celebration (dressing up in a sparkly outfit, eating a fancy meal, drinking, drinking, count down, drinking). instead, we will be spending it with a few friends having a more relaxed dinner, obviously no drinking and hopefully staying up til the ball drops. so all you sexy little ladies who can still get all dolled up in a sparkly get-up and toast with a bottle (bottle i said not glass) of champagne, wear sparkles and put on as much glitter-sequin stuff as you can!

week by week: 22 weeks


this post is a bit past due…because i am very close to 23 weeks now, but better late than never! we did take these pics this weekend though. i am sure my belly has grown a bit since because of holiday food consumption that took place over the past few days. this week has been pretty exhausting, mainly because of all the holiday stuff. i sometimes forget i am pregnant or have a belly. i then am reminded when i go to lay on my stomach…ooo yeah there is an eggplant in there and he likes to kick and elbow the crap out of me. he still mainly kicks at night, so brian and i just lay in bed waiting patiently for him. there is a lot of “did you feel that?” “yeah, haha!” brian and i were talking last night about how there is only four months until this little guy graces us with his presence! four months…you know how fast that is going to go! i started to panic a bit because i feel like i have done nothing! i plan to get the nursery painted this weekend and i think i found a glider too. it’s 50% off and well…you can’t beat that. i also have had a slight obsession with wanting to buy this guy clothes. brian says he has a wardrobe for the first two months of his life already, but i had to remind him that these babies change their clothes at least a couple times a day…and most of the fun clothes are for next fall 😉



it was really fun this christmas to think about how next christmas we will have a little baby to share our joy with! our families were all really excited to think about it too. i can’t believe how fast time is starting to go now. i feel like the weeks are flying by and pretty soon we will be able to meet our baby. we are just so thrilled and excited. let’s just hope that this “not feeling pregnant” thing keeps up for a while 🙂

the nursery: inspiration two

one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen.

well because i am crazy…or my pregnant brain is crazy, but i just can’t make up my da#@ mind! here is my inspiration number two. pretty much the same color pallet but instead of wallpaper i would paint a fun pattern on the accent wall. the theme is still woodsy, but more inspired by a sweet little fox (because we all know this boy is going to be one good looking fox :0). what do you all think? opinions are definitely appreciated here!

the nursery: inspiration

one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelve. thirteen.

so, i have kind of gone back and forth as far as nursery design. i knew i wanted an accent wall covered with some fun wallpaper, so i needed to nail that down first. i chose (still haven’t ordered it but i plan too soon) this woodsy red and cream print. i do love it a lot. i really don’t want to make this room feel “babyish”, instead i want to make it bright, colorful and a modern kid’s room…something i would kind of love myself 🙂 with black and white patterns and accents of light aqua, i think it really says “boy” without having to put dinosaurs all over the place. this inspiration board makes me want to start decorating now! hope you enjoy!

ps. this is weird, but last night i had a dream that the baby was kicking so hard that i could see the outline of his feet…i feel like this dream was mainly based on this photo…does that really happen? or is that just a really bad photoshop joke? kind of freaky if you ask me…well it was in my dream at least.

week by week: 21 weeks


over halfway there! it feels good to know that this pregnancy has been pretty easy thus far and it’s over halfway done. it does scare me a bit though…to look at how much this belly is growing at a super rapid pace. i know i have so much more growing to do, but should i be worried that i look about 24 weeks when i am only 21? when i look back at old photos of my belly i laugh. i remember feeling so bloated and gross, but i look at them and think “you were delusional girl!” again, what scares me is i know i will be looking back on these photos and think ha! de-lu-sion-al! yikes! is it normal to be feeling like you are growing too fast? is this the time where i just start to blow up? am i going to have a 10 lb. baby? or should i try a little harder to say no to sweets?

this week started off great! i felt good and was positive about everything (especially about brian being able to feel this little guy kick) until this weekend when i had a “mini cold”. basically a sore throat with a stuffy nose. mornings were the worst though, and by mid day i felt pretty good. brian has told me i am snoring a lot, and i am pretty sure most of it is due to the stuffy nose…although i do snore on a “non-stuffy” night 🙂 i have been having a hard time telling myself to relax and try to get better. i tend to go go go and not let people do things for me. this has been a big struggle for me in this pregnancy, from working out to projects around the house. i guess i will just keep it up as long as i can, until my giganticness just gets in the way of everything!


i think this photo above is what scares me the most. this doesn’t look like a 21 week belly…well my size references come from googling “21 weeks pregnant” and clicking on images…some women look like they just ate a big meal. i look like i ate a cantaloupe! well with all my worries of my rapidly growing belly aside, i DO feel very blessed that my boy is healthy.

happy weekend


ok, aren’t these little baby shoes the cutest things you have ever seen? you can find more like them here. our little baby boy has been dancin’ on the ceiling of my belly! a magical little kick happened last night, just big enough for dad to feel! while lying in bed, baby was kicking hard and strong. curious just how strong he has become, i placed my hand on my belly and actually felt mr. he-man! so i quickly placed brian’s hand on my stomach hoping the inner belly dancin’ would continue…and it did! brian felt his son kick-kick away for the first time! what a great way to start our weekend, knowing we can have a little fun with my belly. hope everyone has a good one!

life lately

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1. 3d movie night
2. america in all it’s glory! thanksgiving day photo shoot
3. a strikingly good looking cat
4. 3d movie night…we are dorks
5. date night with red lips
6. my new diaper bag…love
7. some “gender neutral” clothes…that turned into perfect little man clothes
8. a belly bump emerging
9. standing in nebraska and iowa…at once!
10. a nice day in december walk on the bridge
11. a beauty of a river backdrop
12. a man in two states at once
13. our pretty christmas lights
14. our first tree in our first home 🙂
15. my festive holiday table
16. my handsome boy love christmas

week by week: 20 weeks



oooo i’m half where there! yay! so this week has been an eventful one. we found out we are having a little baby boy. my post yesterday gives all the deets if you are wanting to know. as far as me this week, i have been feeling really great. i do have a bit more aches and pains. for our company christmas party we went bowling and played three rounds…that was a bit much on my lower back and hips. i have been feeling the baby move so much lately! he is doing summersaults in my belly. one time, sitting at my desk, i jumped and almost shrieked because it startled me so much. i feel him mostly at night before i go to bed, and then sometimes during lunch time. i have read that he is only awake for 6 hours a day, so he is a sleepy little guy.

now that we know the that we are having a boy, the nursery decor can finally start! i have a pretty solid idea now what i want…i know it’s been days…but i can make decisions pretty quickly. i see something i like, i start picturing a million things to go with it…bam, theme chosen. as i said before we already have the crib, although it’s not set up yet because we are waiting to get the painting done first. eeek, i am so excited to decorate this room. i ordered some really cute fabric today that goes with my “theme” and i can’t wait to turn them into pillows, or a lamp shade, or basket liners. eek! now my mission is to find a modern looking glider…that doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg…ok, i will give up my leg for one…but that’s it people!


the pic above was taken on sunday…after a long and emotional weekend. brian and i are both so thrilled to be having a perfect little boy that will love his mamma and think his daddy is the a super hero (he looks like clark kent with his glasses on). i feel so lucky have two of the most perfect boys in my life 🙂