Monthly Archives: April 2017

miss poppy: 12 months

our sweet girl is one year old. one. year. people. how did that happen so fast?! and the crazy thing is, ever since her birthday she acts like she is a big girl! she just seems older (sad face) BUT with that big girl personality come some super adorable behaviors. here is what our girl has been doing:

  • she loves to dance. her shoulders really get into it but her face usually remains sober
  • she is loving her dollies. she carries them around and rocks and pats them. i mean, it’s the cutest thing ever and i secretly love that she loves dolls… because i might have a doll obsession myself and i might have a them all in storage in my basement and it might be the best day ever when we can play barbies and american girl dolls together… just saying.
  • she weighs 19.5 lbs. and is 29.25 ins. tall.
  • she talks a lot and although sometimes we think she says something clear as day, she hasn’t been saying much other than babble
  • she loves chairs. haha. she likes to get up on bastian’s everywhere chair and pull her dollies up there with her and then climb down and do it again and again.
  • she loved her first birthday party (shared with her brother) and loved opening presents. she really liked smashing and squishing her cake but didn’t eat too much. i am sure that sweet tooth with come 🙂
  • she has started to throw little fits when you take something away from her and she throws her head back and usually ends up hurting herself haha. i mean it’s not funny that she bonks her head… but those tantrums are so sweet compared to the ones when they are 3 🙂
  • she sleeps good, with the occasional wake ups, but naps great and is overall a really well behaved little girl! i can’t complain!

we are so lucky to have poppy in our lives. she is so funny and independent. the past year has been one of the best i must say. we are so excited to see the little girl you grow into. we love you so much little poppy girl!