Monthly Archives: January 2018

week by week: 27-30 weeks

i am here sitting at the doctors office for my three hour glucose test, trying not to barf all over my computer. i ended up failing my one hour glucose test and i am assuming i will fail my three hour test as well. it doesn’t bum me out too bad because it’s almost over and well, i know i can survive!

i have been so bad with taking my pictures this month, thus only having a 30 week photo. the holidays kind of shook up our schedule but we are finally feeling back on track. i have started working on the nursery (with poppy still sleeping in there) and getting the big kids room together. santa brought bastian bunk beds for christmas and he is really liking it! he has since moved to sleeping on the bottom bunk because he is scared but i am hoping i can get him up there by the time poppy moves in. i am putting a little kids table and chairs in their room to make it more of a play area for them. i will share photos once it’s all done.

i was kind of sad taking down all of poppy’s nursery stuff and moving some of her decor into her big girl room 😦 i know she is still little but with a new baby on the way she is kind of forced to become a big girl. poppy really thinks she’s a big girl already. she has decided that she needs to sit at the table right next to bastian and is over her high chair. she is talking a lot more lately too and it’s adorable. i am just praying she is a good big sister and doesn’t want to destroy the new baby haha.

i have been feeling pretty good and sleeping well. my low back and pelvis are a little sore which makes me have to be a little more careful. i am still at a loss as far as the sex of this baby. that being said, names are really driving me crazy. i keep adding to the list and then going back and forth on what names i like! i am hoping the closer the date comes the more decisive i will become.