Monthly Archives: April 2014

month by month: 12 months!


well, we made it a year! my sweet baby is now a toddler…he definitely feels like a baby to me though 🙂 we have lots of celebrating to do and lots of sweets to eat. here are some of the amazing things he is doing:

  • he is walking a lot, he is not “walking” but he walks…make sense? basically he will walk out of the blue and i think, this is it! but then he continues to crawl.
  • he loves to “talk” on the phone. he holds it up to his ear, but it’s more on the back of his head and he says “ah ah”
  • he knows how to “use” the phone too. he moves his finger around the touch screen.
  • he sleeps through the night! hallelujah!
  • his big words are mama, dada, ahga (grandmas swear this is grandma:)) screams, and shshshsh. so you can see he is very advanced 🙂
  • he waves bye bye and it’s the cutest. it’s not always quick, and usually the person goes to leave and then he will do it.
  • he goes under water in swim lessons and is slowly starting to like it.
  • he loves to go to the park and play outside in the yard. he is also getting better about eating sand, dirt, leaves and sticks…well kind of.
  • we are no longer giving him pureed food. he eats what we eat for the most part. his favorites are pancakes, mac n’cheese, hummus, blueberries, strawberries, grilled cheese, and toast and jelly.
  • he loves to play chase, he just laughs and laughs.
  • he makes a goofy clicking noise with his tongue.

bastian is one special little person. he fills our heart with more joy than we could have ever imagined. a year ago today, he laid on my chest for the very first time and i gave him his very first kiss. we were instantly connected for life. he is my everything. i remember that first night in the hospital. i was awake the entire night. i had no clue what i was doing. i remember staring up at the clock with my sweet bundle in my arms wondering, wait, do i sleep now? i didn’t want to put him down. so i held him tight the whole night. there were many many more nights like that. together, sharing moments in the wee hours of the morning. this past year has been filled with ups and downs. every time you hit a low point you feel like you will never get out. it’s hard being a parent. i remember saying, if only we could be done with this phase, when we were going through something tough. now, i know those phases are over in a flash, and they ultimately made me the mom i am today, and brian the father he is today. there are moments too, where i think to myself, this is the best – he is so much fun, this is my favorite stage! but the moments keep getting more and more enjoyable and the phases keep getting easier to handle. enjoy (well, embrace may be a better word) all of the moments as a parent in that first year, it goes fast. although it is sad to see his babyhood gone, i am truly excited to see him grow and explore the world around him. happy birthday my booboo, you are so special!

chocolate milk



this is the face of a very happy boy. why? because like every good parent, we let him try chocolate milk. oh, and in a shot glass no less. he face seriously lit up with joy. it was like he was tasting the sweet nectar of the gods. the kid hasn’t even tried plain cow’s milk yet either…but yolo right? a year ago tonight, i woke up to what i thought was loss of bladder control but was actually my water breaking. the next 11 hours are now a blur (mostly…) but i will never forget the moment he came into this world. a year goes quick. i have learned a lot and we have survived. and just like a year ago, tomorrow can’t come soon enough. we can’t wait to celebrate your big day tomorrow bubba.

easter weekend

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i hope everyone had a great easter weekend! our weekend started out going to the zoo. bastian loved the goat petting zoo, he felt like a real big boy that’s for sure. he was not too excited about his easter basket, but he did love the cookies and raisins i put inside the eggs. who puts raisins in easter eggs? haha that was my healthy snack for him. we spent time with our families and enjoyed the great weather. even though it rained, you couldn’t have asked for a better day. i really don’t have many photos from easter, i swear that’s the way it always happens. when i should be taking photos i never do. part of me kicks myself, but the other part thinks it’s ok. i guess i am just so caught up in the fun 🙂 by the end of our festivities, he was pretty tuckered out. we are getting ready for the most important day of the year, bastian’s first birthday! i am more excited about it than he is of course 🙂

the 3 amigos


these little buddies don’t know it yet, but they will be best friends. they are the offspring of two of my girlfriends and they are just beyond adorable. there is only 4 months in between each kiddo, so soon they will be running around like wild animals together. i just love this photo progression – although bastian is the oldest, he was the hardest to tame. the topple effect just cracks me up. i don’t think it gets too much cuter than this.

babylit books

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i was at barnes and noble yesterday and came across the most adorable books ever. i mean i couldn’t contain myself, i kept trying to show brian how unbelievably awesome these books were. babylit has a series of children’s books that are based on literary classics. they range from learning colors and numbers, to weather and opposites. alison oliver does all the illustrations and i am in love with her work. the detail, colors and characters are right up my alley. to me, the illustrations are what makes a children’s book – when i was a kid, that’s what i loved most about books (and who would’a thunk i would grow up to be a designer and illustrator!). i knew i had to get bastian one, but i was fumbling around trying to figure out which one i should get, i wanted them all! literally brian was dragging me out of there while i was picking up books and flipping through the pages saying “oh cute, gosh how cute! look at this!!” all i know is my collection will grow and i really hope bastian loves them as much as i do. what an adorable shower gift would this be! check out all of the books here and allison oliver’s work here

guest post: first birthday must-haves



i have a guest post over at on the must-haves for your little one’s first birthday part. bastian’s birthday is coming up and i am totally following this list when it comes to his party. check it out here!